Avoid The Great Product Dump

Store traffic is trending up despite nasty weather. Your supply of cleaning products is somewhat sketchy and so is their ability to do the job. They were dumped in your store like the daily newspapers. Believe it or not, there are a few companies out there that will follow up and guarantee cleaning results. How do they do it? Here is the blueprint.

Manufacture Cleaners that Work Better and Fit the Cleaning Zones

Convenience stores don’t have hospital quality cleaning equipment, so the products must be safer, work faster, and clean better. With high employee turnover, it’s paramount to have products that fit specific cleaning zones. Find a manufacturer like Apter Industries that knows the convenience store industry and their specific cleaning problems.

Dispensing and Racking

Convenience stores come in many shapes and sizes. Backrooms and storage areas don’t produce retail dollars so they are generally undersized. At Apter Industries, our “Backroom Specialist” Jason Zimmer never met a storage area he didn’t love. He is an expert on manual chemical dispensing like wall pumps and sprayers. In high volume food service locations, he often utilizes automated dispensers for sanitizers with specially developed racking. Health departments love this guy because he makes sure everything is efficient and compliant with their regulations. C- Store OPs people depend on him and his team to minimize labor and keep customers and employees safe.

Point of Use Information and Videos

Point of use information is an integral piece in successfully executing a top-notch cleaning program. Apter Industries uses everything from 3D store layouts to on-site videos. In addition to standard wall charts, customized procedures are adapted for food service equipment specific to the store. Gas Island training videos are filmed at the retailer’s preferred location featuring their familiar forecourt logos. The cleaning program is totally customized for the retailer.

Store Visits and Optional “Ride Alongs”

After everything is up and running, your chemical supplier should schedule store visits. Apter Industries generally visits each store 3 times a year. They also schedule “Ride Alongs” with store supervisors. This helps supervisors identify potential red flag cleaning issues. Contact us for a free evaluation.


Mckenzie Daugherty

800-441-7146 • 724-875-0805


