Technology Upgrades Made Easier

Introducing new technology can make your team excited at the better way of doing things or make them roll their eyes wondering what was wrong with the old way. Usually, it’s a mixture of both reactions. Regardless, a commitment to the change is usually the biggest factor behind success or failure. Below are some helpful ways to maintain your team’s commitment as the enthusiasm wanes and if there are tendencies to go back to “doing it the way it’s always been done.”

  1. Keep it The first step in creating long-term change is to select an app that is intuitive to use and straightforward to implement.
  2. Make it part of the daily conversation. Make it a habit to discuss the app, even the difficulties with the change, along with best practices to overcome those hiccups. Ignoring the growing pains makes your team feel that you are out of touch with their day-to-day reality.
  3. Get early adopters on There are usually a few team members that embrace change better than others, that are more enthusiastic about technology enhancements. Find those team members and get them on board with the changes. They will help the other team members realize the benefits more quickly.
  4. Customize the Train your team on the actual process they would be using with the new app, instead of how the app generally functions. The app is more meaningful when put in the context of their daily use.
  5. Create Make the transition into a game with prizes. Show appreciation for top team members with gift cards or other simple rewards. Inexpensive acknowledgements can be fun and encourage the app adoption you wish.
  6. Focus on initial victories. When the desired improvement occurs, recognize it at meetings. Praise it. Demonstrate how and why it happened. Show how it’s better for the individual, the team, and the company.

At RowLogic, we strive to make technology transitions easier by creating apps that are intuitive to use and are easy to implement. We help your team become comfortable with a new process by offering customized training. We view ourselves as a partner with you in the process to create a new method, implement a new app, and fuel a happier team. Find out more about upgrading your apps and analytics at


Johnny Bertucci