What’s Your Company’s Love Language?


The question may sound a little hippie-dippy, but put another way, the question could be: how do your customers know that you care about them? As most of you know, love language refers to the way one prefers to express or receive love. There are probably plenty of ways you demonstrate the care you have for your customers, but being proactive is the one that should soar above them all.  

Simply stated, being proactive means operating with anticipation of future issues, needs, or changes. Obviously, it is the opposite of being reactive. While it’s good to be nimble and respond to situations as they arise, if it’s the modus operandi, then your customers realize that everything needs to be an emergency to get the customer service they desire, and your team gets tired of working through the chaos. You speak your customers’ love language when you anticipate their needs and satisfactorily address them.  

Here are some aftereffects of being proactive: 

Awareness. Proactiveness forces you to be more self-aware (another hippie-dippy word) and notice areas for improvement to help maintain a growth mindset. 

Empowerment. A scalable process emerges. Decision trees materialize and empower your team to act quickly and in line with the vision of the company.  

Growth. In addition to continuous improvement of the process, more time can be dedicated to growth initiatives and creative pursuits that produce new business opportunities.  

Groove. (I promise, the last hippie-dippy word!) Everyone gets into a groove. Not just your team, but your customers as well. Everyone becomes part of the process and flows in the groove of expected next steps. Dare I say, there is harmony!  

Resilience. There is a resilience that becomes built into the system and allows for more nimbleness when actual emergencies arise. 

Being proactive can mean the difference between a customer that trusts your company and a customer that tolerates your company. It can be the difference between a team that is too often in “emergency” mode and a team that is deliberate in creating moments of success. The contrast can be stark.  

RowLogic’s apps and analytics can help your team make proactiveness your company’s primary love language to your customers. Our apps are intuitive to use and easy to implement. We view ourselves as a partner to help you become more proactive, implement a new app, and fuel a happier team. Find out more about our apps and analytics at rowlogic.com.  


John Montelepre III

Vice President, RowLogic

