413 Bartel Rd
Comfort, TX 78013


Contact: Ann Pitts

Ramping up cash flow through improvements to credit & collection practices

The Pitts Group works with petroleum companies to refine and improve credit and collection practices, resulting in a healthier accounts receivable asset. Results come from improved processes, uncovering blind spots, changing antiquated systems and training credit staff.


The Pitts Group Credit Consulting is a program for petroleum companies that are experiencing:

  • Too much company cash tied up in slow paying receivables
  • Potential bad debt
  • Lack of teamwork: credit vs. sales
  • Inconsistent credit decisions
  • Confusion about company’s risk tolerance
  • Ineffective credit policy
  • Unorganized collection strategies

Defined, improved credit policies and procedures, along with staff training and support can solve all of these challenges and allow your company to play credit offense vs. defense!