Sales & Credit: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Sales & Credit: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Sales & Credit: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along? At a recent gathering of petroleum credit managers, a brave VP of Fuel asked the credit group “what do salespeople do that annoys you?” The spirited responses came quickly and were mostly related to the fact that...
Three Traits of Effective Managers

Three Traits of Effective Managers

Three Traits of Effective Managers Working with Credit Managers for the past 10 years has been such an enriching experience and opportunity for my own professional growth that I want to share some really important, simple management techniques I see used very...
Create a System for Departmental Teamwork

Create a System for Departmental Teamwork

Empower Your Employees to Improve Efficiencies The complexity of running a petroleum distribution company can be mind-boggling. Adding to the huge number of pieces, parts, activities, departments, and software of this huge machine is the fact that most jobbers are...