Apter Industries

High Powered Products for Cleaning Convenience Stores 2995 Clay Pike Road, PO BOX 385, Rilton PA 15678 412-672-9628 www.apterindustries.com Joe DeLuca jdeluca@apterindustries.com Apter Industries started manufacturing high quality cleaners in 1967 and quickly became...


Petroleum Logistics Software 2955 Campus Dr. UNIT 110, San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 652-9704 www.fleetpanda.com FleetPanda is a silicon valley based, venture-backed Petroleum logistics software platform.  Company Description We started as a fuel distributor serving the...


2610 Crow Canyon Rd., Suite 300 San Ramon, CA 94583 800-922-6806 www.lottoshield.com sales@lottoshield.com LottoShield is a lottery management solution that helps retailers protect their lottery inventory, simplify their operations, and grow their business. Company...

Marsh McLennan Agency (formerly Leykell)

1600 West 7th Street, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 817-600-1916 marshmma.com Cory.Watson@marshmma.com Marsh McLennan Agency Serving nationwide, we are a commercial credit insurance broker that specializes in all lines of coverage for fuel distributors. We support...

Matrix Capital Markets

Downstream Energy & Convenience Retail Investment Banking Group 400 East Pratt Street, Suite 310 Baltimore, MD 21202 (667) 217-3320 Contact: Spencer Cavalier spcavalier@matrixcmg.com Gateway Plaza800 East Canal Street, Suite 850 Richmond, VA 23219 (804) 591-2039...

McClaskey Excellence

Creating Triple 100(R) Operations Excellence 6 Garden Way Johnson City TN 37604 423-914-2447 www.mcclaskeyexcellence.com david@mcclaskeyexcellence.com McClaskey Excellence Institute: David McClaskey: McClaskey Excellence Institute helps leaders make more money with...